Wednesday, August 20, 2008

No Longer My Baby

Well, I can hardly believe it, but Zoey started preschool yesterday. People here seem to start sending their kids to school when they are only 1. Last year everyone kept asking me when I was going to send Zoey. I didn't really think I would send her, but the problem became that all of her sibling are in school, and so are all of the other kids her age. So in order for her to have any socialization we decided to put her in preschool 2 mornings a week. She was very excited to go and didn't care at all when I left her. When I picked her up they said she was very happy all morning and had a great time. I kind of wondered how she would do, since it is all in spanish, but so far, so good! So I guess she is now a "big girl", and not my baby!

Here she is with her Dora backpack, ready for school.


Rebecca said...

She looks so grown up! Now how do you spend those two days a week when all of the kids are gone?!

banananutmeg said...

preschool at 1? Sounds GREAT! Sign me up for some of that! Reese is 3 1/2 and about to start preschool...but i wouldn't mind sending Quincy along once in awhile if i could.

Sarah said...

I can't believe how big she is!!!! So sorry we didnt get to play while you were here. We all were sick the day we were supposed to get together - my blog explains it all :) Hope you head back soon!!!

Gomez said...

Wow Angie...all your kids are so grown up! Super Duper cute though.