Monday, August 11, 2008

1 Year!

I'll keep this short, but I just thought I'd let everyone know that we have officially been "Costa Rican" for 1 year. It's hard to believe, the time has gone so fast. We are kind of feeling the pressure now to make sure we see everything here. I guess this means we will be vacationing a lot this year!!

I also wanted to post this picture. It is a beautiful tree that is right outside my dining room window. I have no idea what kind of tree it is, but I thought I would share it with everyone.


Four in Costa Rica said...

Angie, I was thinking of you and that it is your anniversary of moving here; I remember so well because our one-year arrival date is Sunday!

I could have written your post about traveling. We too are feeling the pressure to see more of the country since time is running short. I'll be curious to see what your plans are!

Enjoyed your summer blog, by the way. We have plenty of catching up to do.


Megan said...

Angie a whole year! That's awesome! How exciting and sad at the same time that you only have a year left. It will be gone before you know it and of course you have to vacation as much as possible! Thanks so much for allowing me to come and play with you all out there. I had a blast and made memories for a lifetime! Have fun your last year!