Thursday, March 19, 2009

NOT Pottytraining!

We have been trying for a while to convince Zoey it's time to be a big girl and start wearing panties and get rid of the pacifier. She hasn't been to hip on the idea and claims she wants to be a baby. She always tells me "no potty train". We bought Dora panties at Christmas, but she wanted nothing to do with them.

Well Monday afterschool Isabella brought Zoey in to me and said "Look, I got Zoey to wear her panties." Well, although she was indeed wearing her panties, she had her diaper on underneath! Later I took the diaper off and she had a fit for a while but resigned herself to wearing panties. She wore them for about an hour, the whole time saying "I no pottytrain?!" For some reason she has an aversion to "pottytraining" so I told her we were "just practicing".

We have now "practiced" a little every day and this morning she was actually willing to sit on her little potty. I put the potty in front of the tv and she sat there for 2 1/2 hours! Everytime I asked if she wanted to put her panties back on she said "no, pee pee not ready". I even gave her 2 juice boxes to help the process along! Finally she went and was sooo proud, and excited to get a pee pee treat! Of course she also had quite the ring around her butt. I'm thinking maybe she will pottytrain before she turns 3!!
PS. As I was writting this she managed to pee her panties! Maybe the juice was not such a good idea?!


Rebecca said...

Baby steps, right? Good luck not potty training. Jacob's just the opposite, he goes around telling people he's potty training and when he sees other little kids going, they're potty training too. She's got a little less than 2 months to figure this thing out. Hopefully by then it won't take her 2+ hours of sitting on the toilet to go! Jacob still gets ring-around-the-bum when he poops because the process takes about 20 minutes start to finish. Good luck and I can't wait to see you in July!

Wendy W. said...

Oh, wow! I remember the days. Good luck with that. :) Just think of the "diaper free" days to come and you'll get through this.

Gomez said...

That is great! Weston turns 3 in May and he still is not that interested either. But just keep on trying....right?

Carley said...

Too cute. She has a mind of her own. I wonder where she got that???