Friday, October 31, 2008

Tag, I'm it!

My sister Vicky tagged me yesterday so here it is.

Here are the rules:
1.Link to the person who tagged you
2.Mention the rules on your blog
3.Tell 6 unspectacular quirks about you
4.Tag 6 bloggers by linking to them
5.Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.
First of all don't expect the links, because I am not that computer literate!

When I first got this I thought, I can't think of any strange quirks that I have. But after brainstorming with the help of my hubby I have come up with a list to share with you all. (I'm pretty sure Dustin came up with most of these. Thanks honey!)

1. I am not an e-mailer. I much prefer a conversation on the phone or in person. When I want to discuss something I don't want it to take a few days, or even hours to make a decision or to hear back from someone. Along with this I'm not a huge fan of e-vites. To me they are very impersonal and how do save that it a scrapbook if you wanted to? No offense to anyone who loves e-vite, that's just me.

2. I love to read! The only problem is that when I am reading a good book I am lost to the world, just ask my family! My husband can't understand how I can be surrounded by 5 noisy kids and not hear a thing when I'm in the middle of a good book. It absolutely drives Dustin crazy!

3. When I am deep in thought or concentrating on something I bite my tongue. Not only that, but when I used to feed my babies I would open my mouth as I fed the baby (unknowingly). It took Dustin a long time to figure out why Austin wouldn't eat for him, he watched me feed him one day and pointed this out to me.

4. I don't know why, but I pass medial tasks, that I could do, to Dustin. It is something I just recently realized, but if, for example, we have a problem with the internet, I will ask Dustin to call them. I don't know why I do this, because I'm sure I have more time and I'm totally capable, I just do. I'm going to have to work on correcting this problem.

5. When I fold laundry everything has to be folded just so (a.k.a. my way). If Dustin volunteers to help I usually turn him down or I let him fold only his own clothes. Now the really strange part of this is that living in Costa Rica I have a maid who does almost all of the laundry and I don't care at all how she fold it (sometimes things are still inside out), I'm just glad I don't have to do it or watch how she fold it!

6. I'm always right! O.K. maybe not always, but at least 99.5% of the time! I can honestly say that I truly believe this when I am discussing something with my husband. In fact one time we were discussing the fact that I think I'm always right and I said "ok, maybe I'm not always right... but really I almost always am!" It made Dustin so mad!

So now I am tagging:
Christine, Kim, Tamara, Crystal, Wendy & Desaray
Have fun!


Kristen said...

Hi Angie! Kristen Black here. I have to agree with your laundry list, though it's not about how mine are folded, but how mine gets done...I'm so particular about what mixes with what and what gets hung but not dried, and other such nonsense, that everyone's pretty much given up on helping me with the laundry! And what good books have you read? I'm always looking for something new to read!

Glad to see all is well in Costa Rica!

Post Family said...

Good job! It's hard to find six quirky things when you're so completely normal like we are!:) And I agree--I'm ALWAYS right too!

Wendy W. said...

Hey Angie - I spent almost an hour the other night checking out your entire blog. Love it! It's so crazy to see the kids grown up. It appears as though Costa Rica has been a great experience. What fun. By the way, thanks for the tag. We'll see if that ever happens. :) Take care and we'll keep in touch. I'll keep checking in on ya.

Tamara said...

So fun to read and I can relate to most of yours! Thanks for the tag (I think :)) It might take me a while to 1) come up with my list and 2) gather the courage to post it!