The Birthday Girl at school
Happy Birthday Isabella!!
Everything Isabella and Kaylee ever wanted you to know!
The Birthday Girl at school
Happy Birthday Isabella!!
Posted by Irlenborn family at 5:38 AM 3 comments
My parents were able to come and visit us for about 10 days and we had a great time with them. They flew in late Wednesday night and on the way home as we were getting closer to our house my mom said "I think we're in the getto", she was refering to all of the razor wire around the top of everyones fences and gates. Unfortunately there are alot of homes that get robbed and in order to prevent that people have guards and razor wire. Lucky for us we are in a gated community with guards and have heard of no problems here.
Thursday I took them around town, showed them the church, the kids school and the community in general. Friday we packed up the whole family and went to the beach for 3 days. The roads to get there go over the mountains and are very windy and slow. On the way we stopped at the "crocodile bridge". It is a large bridge that crosses a river and everyone gets out to see the crocs. Well the 2 times we stopped in the past there were only 1 or 2 crocs, but this time my dad counted over 40, some of them very large. We stayed at a condo up on a cliff with awesome views overlooking the ocean. We bought boogie boards at Christmas and this was the first time we've been able to use them. Everyone had a blast, dad really got into the body boarding and ended up sunburnt from being out there so long. On Monday mom, dad and I rode the city bus down town to go to the markets. We met up with Dustin and went to the Gold Museum. The museum has the largest collectio in the world of pre-columbian gold. They had all kinds of little animals and people made out of gold. Afterward when mom and dad and I were walking back to the bus stop we ended up getting a little lost and found ourselves in the red light district (prostitution is legal here). We quickly got out of there and found the bus stop.
Posted by Irlenborn family at 7:58 AM 6 comments